Thursday, August 31, 2006

Quincy Historical Society

Our guild will be participating in craft demonstrations for the Quincy Historical Society this Fall. On Wednesdays and Thursdays beginning September 20 and ending October 19, the Historical Society will welcome third graders to the Log Cabin behind the John Wood Mansion. Local craftsmen and women will be demonstrating crafts from the 1835 period for two 90 minutes sessions each of those days: from 10:00 am - 11:30 and from 12:00 noon - 1:30pm.

We will be hand quilting, using a hoop, as space is too limited to set up a frame. We will also be demonstrating English Paper Piecing using hexagons.

"Mosaic" patterns and more specifically the "Honeycomb" pattern was popular at that time and English Paper Piecing was one of the ways youngsters learned to quilt.

I'll schedule a time for anyone interested in participating to come to my home and learn to paper piece. It's really fun and REALLY easy.

Please let me know if you'd like to work an 90 minute session, quilting and/or paper piecing

Two examples of English Paper Piecing
using hexagons. The set on the left is seen
from the front. The set on the right shows
the back. Some of the paper pieces have
been removed from the back while others
remain and show as white in the image.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Back to School Time!

I used to LOVE this time of year! I know, I was less than enthusiastic about the propect of returning to school, but more importantly it meant a new box of crayons! There was nothing better than those lovely colors all sharp and tall. And even new notebooks and pencils gave me such thrill. I would pack and repack my pencil box. I guess that's why I still love to frequent the office supply store.

So aside from fabric (that's a given) what "Back to Sewing" supplies are you stocking up on?
What notions are finding their way to your sewing rooms?

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Who'da Thought!

At our July 2006 meeting, Carla showed us a new interpretation of the basic Four Patch. With some calculated cutting and a few simple twists, we created some sensational kaleidoscope blocks. I can't wait until September to see some completed tops!


Welcome to STITCH. This is a weblog by the Quincy Quilting Guild, a group of quilting enthusiasts living along the Mississippi River. This is a place to catch up, look back, and plan ahead. Enjoy yourself!